Concrete technology objective question | Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 1 The strength of concrete after one year as compared to 28 days strength is about.
(A) 10 to 15% more
(B) 15 to 20% more
(C) 20 to 25% more
(D) 25 to 50% more
Answer: Option C

Question No. 2 The minimum cover in a slab should neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than
(A) 10 mm
(B) 15 mm
(C) 25 mm
(D) 13 mm
Answer: Option B Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 3 For the construction of thin R.C.C. structures, the type of cement to be avoided, is.
(A) Ordinary Portland cement
(B) Rapid hardening cement
(C) Low heat cement
(D) Blast furnace slag cement
Answer: Option D
Question No. 04 When shear stress exceeds the permissible limit in a slab, then it is reduced by.
(A) Increasing the depth
(B) Providing shear reinforcement
(C) Using high strength steel
(D) Using thinner bars but more in number
Answer: Option A
Question No. 05 In counterfort retaining walls, the main reinforcement in the stem at support is.
(A) Not provided
(B) Provided only on inner face
(C) Provided only on front face
(D) Provided both on inner and front faces
Answer: Option B
Question No. 6 Curing of pavements, floors, roofs, and slabs, is done by.
(A) Membrane method
(B) Ponding method
(C) Covering surface with bags
(D) Sprinkling water method
Answer: Option B Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 7 For the construction of cement concrete dams, the maximum permissible size of the aggregates, is.
(A) 40 mm
(B) 50 mm
(C) 60 mm
(D) 70 mm
Answer: Option A
Question No. 08 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Segregation is necessary for a workable concrete
(B) Consistency does not affect the workability of concrete
(C) If the concrete mix is dry, the slump is maximum
(D) None of these
Answer: Option D
Question No. 09 For a longitudinal reinforcing bar in a column, the minimum cover shall neither be less than the diameter of bar nor less than
(A) 15 mm
(B) 25 mm
(C) 30 mm
(D) 40 mm
Answer: Option D
Question No. 10 The dimensions of a 35litre forma for measuring aggregates by volume, are:
(A) length 30 cm, breadth 25 cm, height 30 cm
(B) length 39 cm, breadth 25 cm, height 32 cm
(C) length 27 cm, breadth 27 cm, height 48 cm
(D) length 220 cm, breadth 25 cm, height 40 cm
Answer: Option C Concrete Technology MCQ

Question No. 11 The aggregate impact value of the aggregate used in
(A) Building concrete is less than 45
(B) Road pavement concrete is less than 30
(C) Runway concrete is less than 30
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 12 Workability of concrete mix with low water cement ratio is determined by.
(A) Tensile strength test
(B) Slump test
(C) Compaction factor test
(D) Flexural strength test
Answer: Option C
Question No. 13 Increase in the moisture content in concrete
(A) Reduces the strength
(B) Increases the strength
(C) Does not change the strength
(D) All of the above
Answer: Option A Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 14 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) High percentage of C3S and low percentage of C2S cause rapid hardening
(B) High percentage of C3S and low percentage of C2S make the cement less resistive to chemical attack
(C) Low percentage of C3S and high percentage of C2S contribute to slow hardening
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 15 The main reason for providing number of reinforcing bars at a support in a simply supported beam is to resist in that zone.
(A) Compressive stress
(B) Shear stress
(C) Bond stress
(D) Tensile stress
Answer: Option C Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 16 Construction joints are generally provided in concrete.
(A) Roads
(B) Retaining walls
(C) Lining of canals
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D
Question No. 17 Pre-stress loss due to friction occurs.
(A) Only in post-tensioned beams
(B) Only in pre-tensioned beams
(C) In both post-tensioned and pre-tensioned beams
(D) None of the above
Answer: Option A
Question No. 18 The concrete mix which causes difficulty in obtaining a smooth finish, possess
(A) Segregation
(B) Internal friction
(C) Hardness
(D) Bleeding
Answer: Option C Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 19 Specified compressive strength of concrete is obtained from cube tests at the end of
(A) 3 days
(B) 7 days
(C) 21 days
(D) 28 days
Answer: Option D
Question No. 20 Pick up the correct statement from the following:
(A) Higher workability indicates unexpected increase in the moisture content
(B) Higher workability indicates deficiency of sand
(C) If the concrete mix is dry, the slump is zero
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 21 The process of mixing, transporting, placing and compacting concrete using Ordinary Port landCement should not take more than
Cement should not take more than
(A) 30 minutes
(B) 40 minutes
(C) 60 minutes
(D) 90 minutes
Answer: Option A
Question No. 22 To prevent segregation, the maximum height for placing concrete, is
(A) 100 cm
(B) 125 cm
(C) 150 cm
(D) 200 cm
Answer: Option A
Question No. 23 For a simply supported beam of span 15 m, the minimum effective depth to satisfy the vertical deflection limits should be
(A) 600 mm
(B) 750 mm
(C) 900 mm
(D) More than 1 m
Answer: Option B Concrete Technology MCQ

Question No. 24 For compacting plain concrete road surface of thickness less than 20 cm, we use
(A) Internal vibrator
(B) Screed vibrator
(C) Form vibrator
(D) None of these
Answer: Option B
Question No. 25 Sand requiring a high-water cement ratio, belongs to
(A) Zone I
(B) Zone II
(C) Zone III
(D) Zone IV
Answer: Option A
Question No. 26 Separation of coarse aggregates from mortar during transportation, is known
(A) Bleeding
(B) Creeping
(C) Segregation
(D) Shrinkage
Answer: Option C Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 27 A flaky aggregate is said to be elongated if its length is
(A) Equal to the mean size
(B) Twice the mean size
(C) Thrice the mean size
(D) Four times the mean size
Answer: Option B
Question No. 28 Assertion A : The load factor for live load is greater than that for dead load.
Reason R : The live loads are more uncertain than dead loads. Select your answer based on the coding system given below:
(A) Both A and R is true and R is the correct explanation of A
(B) Both A and R is true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(C) A is true but R is false
(D) A is false but R is true
Answer: Option A Concrete Technology MCQ
Question No. 29 You are asked to construct a massive dam, the type of cement you will use, is
(A) Ordinary Portland cement
(B) Rapid hardening cement
(C) Low heat cement
(D) Blast furnace slag cement
Answer: Option C
Question No. 30 An ideal ware house, is provided
(A) Water proof masonry walls
(B) Water proof roof
(C) Few windows which remain generally closed
(D) All the above
Answer: Option D Concrete Technology MCQ
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